MK Music Service

RAP Music Workshop – Free

Tuesday 26 September, Tuesdays 3rd, 10th, 17th October 2023 at Room 1, Learning Centre, 555 Silbury Blvd, Milton Keynes, MK9 3HL.

If 16 or 17 Guardian/carer to complete the form below.  If 18 or over, please complete this yourself.


Are you signing up the young person as:

Does the person attending the project have any criminal convictions or cautions?


Photographic Consent - Photography, Film and Audio: Milton Keynes Music Service is part of MK Council and occasionally uses photography for publicity purposes. We would like your permission to photograph/film/record audio of your child for possible inclusion in promotional material, website and other publicity material including social media. We will ensure as far as possible that the images/video/audio are not used inappropriately but by submitting this permission form you accept that should this happen, the council does not accept responsibility. Your contact details will remain strictly confidential.