MK Music Service

MK Music Service

Is committed to providing the best quality musical experiences to young people 

Our Mission & Vision

Milton Keynes Music Service is part of BLMK Music Hub, a wider organisation consisting of three other Music Services, schools and key partners that are responsible for music. The Service ensures that all young people are able to receive an excellent music education and that they have opportunities to develop their music skills through high quality instrumental and vocal tuition as well as progressive wide-ranging musical experiences.

General Info


Opening hours:
Mon-Thu: 9am – 5pm
Fri: 9am – 4.30pm

Our priorities

We aim to fulfil all aspects of the National Music Plan including:

1. Whole class ensembles

2. Instrument hire

3. Progression routes

4. Opportunities to perform

5. Training for teachers



Awards for Young Musicians

Congratulation to MK Music Centre violinist Maisie who is the beneficiary of a grant from the charity 'Awards for Young Musicians' This brilliant charity helps young musicians like Maisie with the cost of buying instruments and organises...

Needs Analysis Survey

The MK Music Service is asked to carry out a needs analysis every year which considers feedback from parents and other service users. If you are able to spend a couple of minutes filling in the online questionnaire about the MK Music Centre, that would be helpful for...


Music is great fun, but did you know it can also improve brain function, support wellbeing, and broaden horizons? Find out more at,uk/getplaying #GetPlaying At Milton Keynes Music Service, there are plenty of ways for children and young people to...

Changing Tracks

Our equality, diversity and inclusion work We all know that learning and making music can make a massive impact on young people. It can improve wellbeing, and has a wealth of benefits for their intellectual, personal and social development. But despite this, too many...


We're accepting new students

Contact us for more information

A personal note

” Welcome back to the start of a new term.  We hope you are all staying safe and well in these challenging and rapidly changing times and continuing to make music.  It is my ambition that the Music Service will enable all children in Milton Keynes to make their kind of music.  Please get in touch to help us work towards this. “

Sue Wakley

MK Music Service Manager

Highlight: MK Rock School

Get in touch

Milton Keynes Music Service
Community Learning MK 

Contact us by Email:

Opening hours: M-T: 9am - 5pm | F: 9am-4.30pm

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